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VolUnteer to help
Fireworks Spectatular

It may take a village to raise a child but it takes a small army to put on the fireworks each year.. While all the helpers are volunteers, we do aim to pay a fee for every hour that each individual gives to helping setup and run the event. These donations are paid directly to a scout group/event once all the monies in and out have been finalised (usually in the following February or March) 


There are lots of different roles which need to be covered off on the evening including Helping with car parking, Stewarding and crowd control, catering etc. 

While we ask for your preferences for what role you would like, and will endeavour to assign you to that role , there is no guarantee that you will be assigned to that particular role on the evening. 


We also ask what times you are available to help across the weekend. We appreciate that not everyone can help all weekend and timings on the daytime sessions are approximate.. The Saturday evening sessions  WILL start at 16.00 as roles will need to be assigned and briefings will need given before the public start showing up.  Please contact your group representative if you are not going to be able to make it on time. 


More information on roles and what you will need are at the bottom of the page


Volunteer Sign-up
Prefered Role on the day
Which sessions can you help


All of the information collected in this form is necessary and relevant to the event. We will use the information provided by you on this form, for event communication and job allocation purposes only. The organisers will treat all personal information with the utmost confidentiality and in line with current data protection legislation. Personal data will not be passed onto any third parties unless it is directly relevant to this years event. 

Thanks for submitting!

Saturday Morning and Afternoon


Some of the jobs for the Daytime are... 

  • Erecting the crowd control fencing

  • Pitching Tents

  • Putting out signage and cones

  • Building the bonfire

You will need

  • A warm coat

  • Work Gloves

  • Strong shoes or boots

  • A warm hat

  • A packed lunch

Saturday Evening


Some of the jobs for the evening are... 

  • Crowd control / Stewarding

  • Directing Traffic in the car parks

  • Helping in the catering tent

  • Helping sell glow products

You will need

  • A warm coat

  • Work Gloves

  • Strong shoes or boots

  • A warm hat

Sunday Morning


  • Clearing the Site of litter

  • Clean up after the bonfire

  • Strike tents and marquees

You will need

  • A warm coat

  • Work Gloves

  • Strong shoes or boots

  • A warm hat

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